Hey guess what! I'm on vacation!
That's right, I'm running around in Seattle with Kamala and Bob, visiting my old haunts like Roq la Rue, Twice Sold Tales and Trader Joes, checking out the Buttersprites, and most of all playing with my hideous little pal Boris!
I'll post the rest of May as soon as I get back (and finish it), but here's enough to hold you till then.
oooooh, color!!!
Posted by: 14 | May 01, 2006 at 12:21 AM
Don't forget to get blind drunk at the Nitelite. Or perhaps stupid blotto at the Lava Lounge... Seattle is your pickled oyster!
Posted by: Wee-Bone Talker | May 01, 2006 at 11:15 AM
It was great hanging out with Kip here in Seattle, especially shaving our heads and base-jumping off the Space Pin. No, wait. That was a dream. We mailed a package and had a very sensible meal. Not at the same time, though i hear the Post Office has wonderful food. Actually, I worked at the post office mail annex one burning hot summer, and they do not have good food. Snicker bars and Mountain Dew, during strictly enforced breaks. Everything smelled like burning plastic so you really couldn't keep much down, even though you were hungry from loading boxes of mail. You may already be a winner, and other glossy junk that wouldn't stack. Someday, you said, I'll write this all down! I'll have my revenge! I did, actually. Here's a link to the story I wrote:
Posted by: Bob | May 03, 2006 at 12:43 PM