Yeah, I had a bit of the old "windy moon" the other day thanks to some cheap beer and chorizo. (Insert Paul Lynde style chortle and scrunchy-face here.)
Cracking cheese, Kipling! Great June calender! I can imagine a big summer cookout with Dorothy Parker mixing drinks and quipping with de Sade, Paul Lynde hitting on Bruce Campbell, the Rosenbergs talking politics to troublemaking janitors! Harryhausen flipping steaks, Carlos toasting his buns, and Lorena Bobbit grilling a kielbasa. Watch Le Petomane with the lighter fluid, hoisted on his own petard! And world-weary Rod Serling in the corner, who's seen it all before, chain-smoking in the corner. Summer...between the pit of man's fear and the summit of his knowledge!
Yeah, I had a bit of the old "windy moon" the other day thanks to some cheap beer and chorizo. (Insert Paul Lynde style chortle and scrunchy-face here.)
Posted by: Wee-Bone Talker | June 03, 2006 at 06:46 PM
See him here:
BONUS: Don Rickles cackling!!
Posted by: erin | June 04, 2006 at 01:45 PM
Spectacular Herschfeld.
And of course the Purple People Eater is a cyclops!
Posted by: Abraham | June 04, 2006 at 01:45 PM
I gotta agree with the ballet comment. "Why don't they just get taller girls", indeed! HAW!
Posted by: Cyclops Kitten Natividad | June 04, 2006 at 01:55 PM
I'm definitely gonna have to do something with Leon Day!
Posted by: Miss Cellania | June 04, 2006 at 06:26 PM
Cracking cheese, Kipling! Great June calender! I can imagine a big summer cookout with Dorothy Parker mixing drinks and quipping with de Sade, Paul Lynde hitting on Bruce Campbell, the Rosenbergs talking politics to troublemaking janitors! Harryhausen flipping steaks, Carlos toasting his buns, and Lorena Bobbit grilling a kielbasa. Watch Le Petomane with the lighter fluid, hoisted on his own petard! And world-weary Rod Serling in the corner, who's seen it all before, chain-smoking in the corner. Summer...between the pit of man's fear and the summit of his knowledge!
Posted by: Bob | June 04, 2006 at 07:18 PM
Great month Kipper! And do I wanna be at this big summer cookout Bob's talking about!
Posted by: Beans | June 05, 2006 at 12:05 AM