Macho Cheese - Group show
Remember in the 1970s and 1980s when the men on TV and in movies were just oozing with machismo? We're talking mustaches, Tom Selleck, David Hasselhoff, Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, CHiP's, HE-Man, mullets, Firebirds, wrestling, etc. All that really awful macho man stuff from the "culture" of the day. Women were sometimes included as well, but the men were so over the top. That is what this show is about. Revisiting the ridiculousness and cheesiness that macho is.
Artists: Kelly Lyles, Kamala Dolphin Kingsley, 14, Chris Rollins, Claire Johnson, Joey Bates, Bogdan Mohora, Monica René Rochester, Theresa Neinas, Janet Wold, Francesca Berrini, Inna Peck, Michael Alm, Karl Fjellström, Jonathan Fischer. Curated by Chris Crites
Dates: December 1 – 31, 2008
Opening Reception: Wednesday, December 10 from 6 – 8pm
Venue: Joe Bar, 810 E Roy St, Seattle (across from the Harvard Exit Theater)