Hey, next weekend is Seattle's annual Bumbershoot fest and if you're attending, make sure to check out the Elvistravaganza art show, for which I designed the poster and banner.
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Hunka-Hunka-Burnin-Eyeliner dry-humping the Space Needle in 1962's classic cheese-fest, "It Happened at the World's Fair," here's the show so far:
With a zesty shout-out to Jo David and Marlow Harris.
Wow, looks like a great show. They've got some heavy hitters there.
Posted by: Kipling | August 26, 2012 at 08:12 PM
I shared both these enertis on my Facebook, which yielded the following comments: "There's just not much animosity from my perspective as a midwestern boy, both cities are infinitely cooler than anywhere in Ohio. There's no point in sharing an inferiority complex when both are awesome, you know?"And my favorite:"Finally people will stop with "Seattle. Like where grunge is from?" and make fun of Portland for a while. We're very busy up here in Junior Vancouver BC being pretentious and driving our priuses over kids in skinny jeans on fixies.We've got... Soccer fans. They've got soccer fans.We've got Coffee. They've got Microbrews.Neither one of us can seem to conquer Passive Aggressive note leaving or absurdly unfriendly politeness.All in all, I don't see how this isn't the greatest corner of the world ever."
Posted by: Milagros | October 14, 2012 at 10:37 PM