I visited Phantom Wing last night, and saw this creature in the Girls' Room. My camera battery was dying so I didn't get shots of the chanting lab rats building a giant rat god in the corner, or many other things. But I'm going back tonight!
From the Phantom Wing Facebook page:
Through a series of large-scale artworks, PHANTOM WING invites 15 Artists/Collectives to explore the soon to be demolished 1960s wing of the historic King Edward School prior to redevelopment as a multidisciplinary arts hub (cSPACE).
PUBLIC OPEN DATES: SEPTEMBER 24 - 29, 2013PHANTOM WING is a pre-demolition project exploring the 1960s wing of the historic King Edward School. A community of 15 Artists/Collectives are invited to create large-scale installations within the abandoned wing. Artists are encouraged to fully utilize the space and re-appropriate discarded materials when possible. The resulting exhibition will be both an echo and a bang: a reflection and a mirage. In essence, PHANTOM WING proposes the creation of a phantom limb – an event designed to resonate long after the building is severed from its adjoining sandstone counterpart.