It's that time of year again, and I'm dusting off my Weird Vintage Valentine collection, just for you!
Here's a weiner cutting an enormous stick of baloney; disturbing yet subtle.
And here is more Valentine Meat.
More Halloween Valentines.
Valentines, valentines, valentines!
For all your Weird Vintage Valentine needs, some links for you:
Vintage Valentines
Valentines: WTF
Valentines: Meat and Weapons
Valentines: Pussy Galore
Valentines: Space Cowboys
Valentines: Anthropomorphic
Halloween Valentines
Valentines: Art (for the slightly more modern valentine)
Vintage Valentine: Let's be frank Originally uploaded by pageofbats
Vintage Valentine: Violent Caveman Originally uploaded by pageofbats
Vintage Valentine: Krampus Jack-in-the-box Originally uploaded by pageofbats
Vintage Valentine: Menacing Kitty Originally uploaded by pageofbats
With all the love a dishonest butcher can muster, a precious valentine from Days Gone By.
More valentines about meat (and weapons!)
More from Valentines WTF (Incomprehensible, awful, ugly, strange, bizarre, weird, creepy or just plain inappropriate vintage valentines)