My favorite cousin writes from Cape Cod:
It happens every 17 years.
First there are 3/4 inch holes in the ground. Lots of them.
Then these huge tan bugs start showing up everywhere.
Then they molt and turn black with red eyes. They are 2 inches long.
There are millions of them. During the day they call to each other. Really loudly. Like the sound alien saucers make in old movies.
Did I mention that the noise is REALLY LOUD. Fortunately they don't scream at night.
Unfortunately they think the day starts at 4 am.
They have been here for over a week. Every day there are more of them and they get louder, up to 100 db. They are clearly breaking the law.
They don't eat (although the birds, squirrels and local dogs are enjoying the crunchy treats) and they don't do much long term damage, just mate and die. They are just really really annoying. I want them to go away now.